we are here for you

Dear patients.

We are fully committed to you and your health. We want to build trust, take time for your concerns and wishes, listen to you and pick up where others resign.

We offer you a holistic and interdisciplinary path, always with the aim of freeing you from your complaints or alleviating them in the long term. We want to noticeably improve your quality of life.

We focus on quality. Our forms of treatment are evidence-based, in line with guidelines and correspond to the current state of medical knowledge. Extensive training and continuing education are a matter of course for us.

We focus specifically on preventive medicine. The active promotion of your health, prevention and improvement of your living conditions are important building blocks to prevent diseases from occurring in the first place.

We work together in an interdisciplinary team without professional and intellectual barriers. General medical treatment and orthopaedic care go hand in hand.

We are one family. Our practice looks back on a long and successful tradition in pain treatment. We are already treating patients in the fourth generation. Thank you for your trust.

Your doctors

Dr. med. Alain Huneke

Curriculum Vitae

Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery, neural therapy according to Huneke, acupuncture, naturopathy, chiropractic / manual medicine, foot and ankle surgery, sports medicine - Official FIFA - Medical Doc I | practice owner

  • 2006-2014:
    Study of human medicine (University of Pècs, University of Kiel)
  • 2014:
    State examination, Approbation
  • 2017:
    Doctorate (Dr. med.), University of Kiel
  • 2020:
    Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
  • 2022:
    Practice owner | Group practice Huneke


  • IGNH – Internationale medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie nach Huneke (Kursleiter)
  • DGOU – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
  • BVOU – Berufsverband für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
  • ZAEN – Zentralverband der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren und Regulationsmedizin e.V.

Dr. med. Patrick Huneke

Curriculum Vitae

Specialist in general medicine, neural therapy according to Huneke, acupuncture, emergency medicine, chiropractic / manual medicine | Practice owner

  • 2008-2014:
    Study of human medicine (University of Frankfurt)
  • 2014:
    State examination, Approbation
  • 2016:
    Promotion (Dr. med.), Universität Frankfurt
  • 2020:
    Specialist in general medicine
  • 2022:
    Practice owner | Group practice Huneke


  • IGNH – Internationale medizinische Gesellschaft für Neuraltherapie nach Huneke (Vorstandsmitglied und Kursleiter)
  • DGIM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin
  • DGMM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Manuelle Medizin
  • DÄGFA – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akupunktur
  • ZAEN – Zentralverband der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren und Regulationsmedizin e.V.

Dr. med. Benjamin Breuer


Curriculum Vitae

Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery; special orthopaedic surgery, acupuncture, naturopathy, chirotherapy/manual medicine, diploma in osteopathic procedures (DAAO), sports medicine, special foot and ankle surgery

  • 2005-2011:
    Study of human medicine (RWTH Aachen)
  • 2011:
    State examination, Approbation
  • 2017:
    Doctorate (Dr. med.), University of Aachen
  • 2018:
    Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
  • 2022:
    Head of the Department of Special Foot and Ankle Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Florence Nightingale Hospital
  • 2024:
    Member of the practice | Huneke group practice with special consultation hours for special foot and ankle surgery


  • D.A.F. – Deutsche Assoziation für Fuß – und Sprunggelenk e.V.
  • GFFC – Gesellschaft für Fuß – und Sprunggelenkchirurgie e.V.
  • AGA – Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie
  • DGOOC – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie
  • DAAO – Deutsch-amerikanische Akademie für Osteopathie
  • MWE – Dr. Karl-Sell Ärzteseminar
  • DÄGFA – Deutsche Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur e.V.

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